Similar words: total, totally, totalitarian, totalitarianism, get into the habit of, not at all, to the point, into.
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61. Loss of Exchequer revenue has been considerable and has not been offset by any gain in total expenditure on health care.
62. An operation involving 100 officers from London and Kent was set up in total secrecy.
63. So, Granada Computer Services now comprises four divisions in total, including the two mentioned above.
64. If he was exploited by landowners and the merchant and artisan classes, this did not result in total dependence on them.
65. Having made a collection myself in a depressed area, I got £2.30 in total.
66. He rolled across the grass and lay for a minute in total, unrelieved darkness, the wind roaring in his ears.
67. Konrad Lorenz wrote that birds even in total isolation are able to produce a recognisable version of the song of their species.
68. No one is suggesting that we adopt these systems in total.
69. The Cashmere grouping of businesses generated excellent figures in total helped by a cashmere volume increase of around 30%.
70. In total no more than a few dozen local groups existed at different times in the 1840s and 1850s.
71. In total these four risk factors accounted for 89% of Maori and 79% of non-Maori sudden infant deaths.
71. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
72. In total such ponds are clearly another potentially useful wintering ground for wildfowl, and more information is needed about such sites.
73. His was the smug look of a man who knew he was in total control and liked it that way.
74. Her nerve-ends in total chaos, Robbie could hardly believe this was really happening, this shivering delight.
75. In total some 4,200 metres of 33,000 volt and 11,000 volt power lines were re-routed along the southern boundary of the bypass.
76. In total he has written five novels, all of which have won literary acclaim and awards.
77. That is, the human species is capable of experiencing sensations equal in total to those experienced by all other species put together.
78. The new system is designed to spread payments over several months but the net effect is that people pay more in total.
79. John's lamp light lasted for the first few hours of his entombment and from then on he was in total darkness.
80. In 1970 about 900 million people were starving-perhaps a billion in total. Little wonder warning bells were sounding.
81. It was a 3, 000-foot granite slab, rising in total isolation from a flat plain.
82. In total the maria cover some 16 % of the Moon's surface-mostly on the near side.
83. They were surprised to find the house in total darkness.
84. It is £2,265 for the full grant and £420 for the student loan - in total a yearly income of just £2(,685.
85. It was just my luck to have bags made of light nylon, weighing in at ten kilos in total.
86. In total these records strongly suggest a westerly winter movement through the county.
87. His use of location shooting, natural lighting, and lay actors stood in total contrast to the older expressionist cinema.
88. There was a large contingent of buyers from Eire who took 32 rams in total.
89. Billed as a potential rival to Gleneagles, the development was to cost £60m in total.
90. Clearly, so long as ministerial assurances are honoured, rate-capping can deliver only very limited reductions in total local authority expenditure.
More similar words: total, totally, totalitarian, totalitarianism, get into the habit of, not at all, to the point, into, go into, get into, point out, run into, come into, in touch, cut into, rip into, fit into, fall into, turn into, look into, in point of, slide into, enter into, break into, burst into, intoxicate, in the event of, point of view, keep in touch, intoxication.